European Mastère in Management and Business Strategy

by DEC

The European Master in Management and Business Strategy is an innovative, hands-on and up-to-date program addressing the needs and challenges of companies in an international context.
Graduates acquire the practical and analytical skills needed for successful career growth in the sector.


Date of recruitment and registration


Place of training




Course description


Management and business strategy can be applied in large- and medium-sized companies across sectors and in a variety of domains: human resources, marketing, B to B and international environment analysis.

Graduates of the European Master’s in Management and Business Strategy can also access strategic managerial posts within SMEs.
During the programme, emphasis is placed on management and human resources, as well as on business strategy, allowing students either to specialize in a single domain or to develop more general skills applicable to a range of posts.

At the end of the two-year course students apply and consolidate the skills they have acquired by analysing a business environment and issuing recommendations.

European Mastère in Management and Business Strategy

Code RNCP 35280

Documentation European Mastère in Management and Business Strategy

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  • Program duration : 2 years
  • Teaching format : on campus / hybrid
  • Campus : Montpellier
  • Accreditation : FEDE’s European Mastère’s degree, bac+5 equivalent, 120 ECTS
  • Intakes : October - February - May
  • Contact : 09 71 79 31 92 -
    Consult the FEDE training sheet

European Mastère in Management and Business Strategy

Management and business strategy can be applied in large- and medium-sized companies across sectors and in a variety of domains: human resources, marketing, B to B and international environment analysis.
Graduates of the European Master’s in Management and Business Strategy can also access
strategic managerial posts within SMEs


● Hold a level 6 diploma of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), enabling the acquisition of 180 ECTS credits
● OR by Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience (VAE) for candidates with at least one year's experience directly related to the European Master's specialization.
● Minimum English level B2
● Pass the recruitment tests

Tuition fees

1st year: €8500
2nd year: €9500 + FEDE national exam fees
Scholarship: a merit-based scholarship is available for students with an excellent academic record.

Validation of training

Students sit the FEDE national exam at the end of their 2nd year of study, leading to a bac+5 diploma guaranteeing 120 European credits (ECTS) upon successful completion.

The "plus" of DECbyecRH courses

  • Free, unlimited access to the LinkedIn Learning platform
  • Free, personalized support for CISCO training courses
  • Courses taught in English and French
  • International study environment and hosting of ERASMUS+ groups

Job opportunities

Management and corporate strategy functions in the areas of :

  • Human Resources
  • Management
  • "Business To Business
  • Management
  • International environment
  • Commercial
  • Marketing

European Mastère in Management and Business Strategy

Training program


Objectives and skills

- Communicating within the company
- Develop external communication
- Use sales management tools
- Draw up business plans
- Master strategic decision-making techniques
- Develop a company activity
- Acquire multi-disciplinary know-how in the company's various economic functions
- Implement internal organization and control tools
- Design and implement marketing, sales and HR strategies
- Analyze the company's managerial environment
- Implement operating and control models
- Lead and manage international teams

Profile view of concentrated Asian students sitting at spacious classroom with panoramic windows and looking at blackboard

1 - General corporate culture

This module enables you to :
- Master the main accounting and financial management tools in order to draw up a financing plan
- Apply knowledge of business law and taxation within the company
- Master the fundamentals of marketing research and strategic marketing: notions of growth, competitive advantages, choice of strategic axes, market potentialities, etc.
- Understand and analyze the challenges of distribution and logistics in order to implement new supply strategies.
- Optimize the company's potential by using the fundamentals of negotiation and sales team management, by drawing up a communication strategy or designing a marketing plan for a specific market

2 - Human resources and organization management

This module enables you to :
- Master management techniques to mobilize employees into an effective team
- Understand interpersonal communication in order to measure and manage conflictual relations
- Organize and define communication methods and tools to guarantee the company's social climate
- Set up a simple, scalable organizational structure
- Develop a corporate culture and know how to use the levers of change: management, structure, systems and culture.
- Use social and economic management tools and implement a quality approach

3 - International environment and corporate strategy

Structured around two modules, this unit enables students to:
- Acquire knowledge of international law in terms of international contracts, intellectual and industrial protection, and anti-trust laws
- Understand the technical aspects of international business, in particular transport, logistics and import-export
- Integrate knowledge of international finance, with particular emphasis on futures markets and credit risks - Understand international marketing and globalization strategies
- Understand the context of the managerial environment
- Acquire a human resources management approach based on internal communication tools
- Understand the different aspects of marketing, upstream and downstream, to develop sales strategies, communication strategies and innovation strategies

4 - Professional practice

The strong point of the FEDE European Master's program is that it puts students in real contact with the world of work, in order to deepen their training and their professional project.
In the first year, the professional assignment must deal with management issues encountered on the site of the internship or work-study program. It gives rise to the writing of a dissertation outlining the strategic approach and the strategic tools used. In the second year, at the end of an internship of at least three months, the professional thesis will deal with logistics management issues. In the dissertation, the student will analyze the company's environment and make recommendations in terms of strategic orientation and choices.
Both dissertations will be defended orally.

5 - Companies, competition and Europe

This module enables you to:
- Explain problems relating to the concepts of enterprise, competition and the market, as defined by Community legislation and the rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
- Demonstrate the importance of changes in the rules governing corporate behavior and mergers between companies.
- Understand the role of the authorities responsible for applying competition rules to companies
- Understand the process by which product conformity to European standards is established in the Internal Market.

6 - Modern European language

This module enables you to :
- Acquire level B2 (written and spoken) of the CEFR for proficiency in a modern European language.

Validation of this module leads to the award of the FEDE Language Certificate, which complies with the CEFR and is recognized by the IFEF.

How to finance your training?

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What people say about us


Rim Akoucham

I did my internship at Nouas Formation Sup Dec frankly nothing to say the staff was very welcoming and professional which makes us want to work.
I recommend



Having trained at Nouas Formation Sup Dec, I highly recommend!


Antoine Dierkens

I did my internship at the Nouas Sup Dec association, the welcome was very warm, the staff welcoming and above all very professional. I recommend it.


Sophie Buisine

Excellent reception! Team at the top. I recommend it.

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