European Bachelor Degree Marketing and Trade Development Officer

by DEC

Specialisation Digital Marketing

The European Bachelor in Digital Marketing trains job-ready professionals with excellent business and technical skills, allowing them to draw on existing technology and anticipate new developments.

Graduates are set to become experts in creating, implementing and managing digital marketing strategies in both B2B and B2C environments.


Date of recruitment and registration


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The Internet has been changing ever since its beginning. Digital marketing, too, has been transformed by technological developments, new trends and the shifting needs and expectation of Internet user.

It now covers a large range or marketing practices using online media and tools.

Nowadays all businesses, regardless of their size, sector and number of employees, require a digital marketing strategy in order to ensure positive long-term positioning and visibility.

European Bachelor Degree Marketing and Trade Development Officer

Code RNCP 36374

Documentation European Bachelor Degree Marketing and Trade Development Officer

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  • Program duration : 3 years
  • Teaching format : on campus / hybrid
  • Campus : Montpellier
  • Accreditation : FEDE’s European Bachelor’s degree, bac+3 equivalent, 180 ECTS
  • Intakes : October - February - May
  • Contact : 09 71 79 31 92 -
  • Consult the FEDE training sheet
Portrait of college student sitting at desk during a lesson

European Bachelor Degree Marketing and Trade Development Officer

The European Bachelor in Digital Marketing trains job-ready professionals with excellent business and technical skills, allowing them to draw on existing technology and anticipate new developments.
Graduates are set to become experts in creating, implementing and managing digital marketing strategies in both B2B and B2C environments.

  • Hold a bachelor's degree or its equivalent for international students
  • Minimum English level B2
  • Pass the recruitment tests

Tuition fees

1st year: €7500
2nd year: €8000
3nd year: €9000 + FEDE national exam fees
Scholarship: a merit-based scholarship is available for students with an excellent academic record.

Validation of training

Students sit the FEDE national exam at the end of their 3rd year of study, leading to a bac+3 diploma guaranteeing 180 European credits (ECTS) upon successful completion.

The "plus" of DECbyEcoRH courses

  • Free, unlimited access to the LinkedIn Learning platform
  • Free, personalized support for CISCO training courses
  • Courses taught in English and French
  • International study environment and hosting of ERASMUS+ groups

Job opportunities

- Web app and native applications developer
- Mobile web service developer
- Active participant in mobile digitalisation projects
- E-commerce mobile website designer and commercial impact analyst
- Connected IS modeling and data management analyst
- Mobile web/smart objects project manager (after a few years of experience)


European Bachelor Degree Marketing and Trade Development Officer

Training program


Objectives and skills

● Understand the digital ecosystem and be able to develop a business using digital tools.
● Be able to use online technical, marketing and communications tools to develop and implement a business’s digital marketing strategy.
● Be able to use digital tools to implement an effective social media strategy Operations.
● Be able to implement action plans to optimise customer satisfaction
● Be able to maximise the performance of customer acquisition strategies.
● Be able to analyse and optimise user experience.
● Be able to manage and work in a web project management team.
● Be proactive and innovative.

Portrait of college student sitting at desk during a lesson

1 - Strategic and operational marketing and e-marketing

This module enables you to:
- Identify the challenges of the marketing plan: Why? For whom? For whom?
- Interpret the company's strategic plan
- Draw up a strategic marketing plan
- Draw up an operational marketing plan
- Understand the fundamental principles of B-to-B marketing
- Adopt the full range of B-to-B marketing tools
- Develop marketing reflexes applicable at every stage of the B-to-B process and in different markets.

2 - E-marketing and digital marketing law

This module enables you to :
- Grasp the challenges and benefits of e-marketing
- Identify the key elements of an e-business strategy
- Develop a relevant e-marketing strategy
- Identify the rules applicable to digital marketing
- Provide legal security for online marketing strategy and operations

3 - UX Strategy, Data and Marketing, Digital Communication and Digital Brand Content

This module enables you to:
- Identify the specificities of the web to improve navigation and optimize the user experience on the company's digital media
- Understand the key stages in deploying a UX strategy
- Know how to use UX tools and resources
- Understand the challenges and impacts of data marketing
- Understand the methods, approaches and tools required for an innovative marketing strategy
- Improve the performance of marketing strategies
- Define the challenges of a company's online presence
- Design and deploy a digital communications strategy
- Identify the key elements of the graphic production chain
- Understand the characteristics of digital brand content
- Develop a brand content strategy
- Include digital brand content in an inbound marketing strategy

4 - Professional practice

The strength of the FEDE European Bachelor's program lies in the fact that students are put into real contact with the world of work, in order to deepen their training and their professional project.

Students are expected to put into practice the knowledge and skills they have acquired during their studies.

An internship enables them to discover their future professional environment, and to grasp the realities of a professional action.
As part of a tutored project, they devise and implement a strategy for effectively carrying out a professional action.

This practical module is the subject of a dissertation or activity report and an oral presentation.

5 - European culture and citizenship

This unit enables students to :
- Acquire a solid understanding of the functioning, institutions, geographical, geopolitical and economic aspects of Europe.
- An understanding of the European model and its specific features, both historically and from a regulatory, legal and cultural point of view.
- Understand Europe in the broadest sense of the term (interculturality, human resources, politics and religions, international trade, European taxation, etc.).
- Acquire a set of tools for setting up a business in a European Union country
- Appropriate certain cultural codes to understand their impact on interpersonal relations
- Support and encourage the mobility of employees and talents, enabling them to develop in an international context

6 - Modern European language

This module enables you to :
- Acquire level B1 (written and spoken) of the CEFR for proficiency in a modern European language.

Validation of this module leads to the award of the FEDE Language Certificate, which complies with the CEFR and is recognized by the IFEF.

How to finance your training?

DEC is passionate about your success

DEC's mission is to develop and promote entrepreneurial spirit, knowledge and skillsets for lifelong success.

What people say about us


Rim Akoucham

I did my internship at Nouas Formation Sup Dec frankly nothing to say the staff was very welcoming and professional which makes us want to work.
I recommend



Having trained at Nouas Formation Sup Dec, I highly recommend!


Antoine Dierkens

I did my internship at the Nouas Sup Dec association, the welcome was very warm, the staff welcoming and above all very professional. I recommend it.


Sophie Buisine

Excellent reception! Team at the top. I recommend it.

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