Working as an international student is a great way not only to fund your studies and your everyday life, but also to learn more about the French work environment while practicing and improving your French.
Do I have the right to apply for a job in France as an international student ?
As an international student, you have the right to work while studying in France as long as you have a resident permit. The right to work applies to all students, including students who come to France for the first time and are registered in the first year of a university program.
But do not forget that before being an employee, you are a student first, and you need to fulfill your commitment towards school. School’s schedule will always prevail over work’s schedule. You need to build your work planning around your courses’ hours. Repeated absences because of work will not be tolerated all the school year.
How many hours am I allowed to work ?
As an international student, you are allowed to work 20 hours maximum per week (964h maximum per year). You can work but it is mandatory to attend your classes. Therefore, you could see your academic calendar and course planning at the Campus before communicating to your employer about your available days for work.
What are the legal contracts ?
By law, your employer should give you a copy of the legal work contract before you begin the work. Moreover, the employer must declare your recruitment to the prefecture. In France, here are the legal contracts that you can sign :
Contrat de travail à durée déterminée (CDD)
A CDD is a fixed-term or temporary employment contract. There is no minimum duration for the CDD contract, but there is a maximum, which is between 9-24 months depending on circumstances.
Contrat de travail à durée indéterminée (CDI)
A CDI is an open-ended or permanent employment contract. A CDI contract may be terminated at any time, on the initiative of the employee or by mutual agreement. Be aware that there is a mandatory notice period that must be respected before you leave.
Contrat de travail temporaire (intérim)
An intérim contract is a temporary contract. An employee on such a contract is employed and paid by a temporary employment company which provides their services to a user company for a limited period, known as an assignment.
What about the salary ?
Concerning the salary, France has a national minimum hourly wage, commonly known as the SMIC "Salaire Minimum Interprofessionnel de Croissance". It currently stands at 11,65 €/hour gross, which is equivalent to 9,22€/hour net. You can’t be paid less than that hourly wage. For example, if you are working 20 hours per week, your salary must be at least 790€ for 1 month. The differences between gross and net salary are because of various mandatory taxes.
Keep in mind that your part-time job salary might not cover all your expenses as a student in France, so you must possess other means of support.
What about days of leave and holidays ?
Be aware that as an employee with a CDD or a CDI contract, you earn 2,5 days of leave per month. These days of leave can be accumulated and taken consecutively, or taken whenever you need a whole or a half day off. Be sure to ask your employer in advance. If you have not taken all of your remaining days off by the end of your contract, your employer needs to pay you a compensatory allowance.
Where to apply to find a part-time job ?
There are famous websites where you can apply online, such as :
You can also apply to employment agencies sur as :
Or you can also submit your CV directly to the companies.