Social Economy Business Manager
RNCP Card N°36867
Documentation Responsable d'entreprise d'économie sociale et solidaire
Merci de remplir ce formulaire pour avoir accès à la documentation détaillée sur la formation
- Duration : 770 hours: 560 hours at the training center and 210 hours on internship
- Type of training: continuing education with internship
- Public: Professionals, Individuals
- Locations: Montpellier, Perpignan, Béziers, Nîmes
- Date: Contact us
- Contact : +33 07 49 2416 67 - contact@dec-ecorh.com
- Hold a Bac+2 or a level 5 CEC (Eu) or III (Fr) professional qualification, or validationof professional experience.
- Proof of 3 years' experience (except apprentices).
- Pass the recruitment tests
- 8,400 Euros
- Individuals and apprentices, please contact us.
- Training eligible for CPF.
- OPCO (ex-OPCA) and Pôle Emploi can finance our training courses.
Training program
770 hours: 560 hours at the training center and 210 hours on internship
Three training objectives are defined:
- Manage human relations and teams
- Design and manage a social and solidarity-based activity or service project
- Develop strategies that take into account the socio-economic context of organizations.
- Project or business development manager in the social, medico-social, integration, training, employment and socio-cultural sectors.
- Project creation in activities linked to the ecological transition, the circular economy and the collaborative economy.

1.Human relations and team management
Social and Solidarity Economy
- Specificities of the Social Solidarity Economy.
- New challenges: collaborative economy, circular economy, social innovations.
- Sectoral workshops: social and medico-social action, social innovations.
Being an executive in the SSE
- Missions, functions and roles of the executive.
- Management styles.
- Being a proximity manager.
Cooperation and team cohesion
- Individual and collective skills.
- Giving and receiving as a team.
From assessment to career plan
- Boosting your professional project.
- Managerial skills and attitudes.
Interpersonal relations, communication
- Active listening, non-violent communication.
- Managing difficult situations.
Leading and regulating groups
- Group values and cultures.
- Conditions for collective effectiveness.
Team management
- Components of team management.
- Effectiveness and motivation.
- Change management.
Employment law
- Types of employment contracts.
- Breach of contract, disciplinary sanctions.
- Employee representation.
Human resources management
- Human resources issues in the SSE sector.
- Recruitment, training, remuneration, assessment.
- Prevention of psychosocial risks.
Assessment of managerial skills
2.Leading and coordinating social and solidarity projects
3.Strategic management
Accounting and financial analysis
- Balance sheet and income statement.
- Cost analysis as a decision-making tool.
- Budget and cash flow plan.
Performance management
- Information system organization.
- Operational dashboards.
- Performance indicators and measurements.
Management and evaluation of ESSMS
- Principles of budgetary procedure, contractualization (CPOM).
- Internal and external evaluation, quality.
Organization management
- Different forms of organization.
- Governance, power and culture.
- Work coordination and integration.
- Change management.
Corporate strategy
- Strategic analysis methodology and tools.
- Strategic positioning and deployment.
- Scaling up SSE organizations.
Professional effectiveness
- Dissertation methodology.
- Oral communication.
Management simulation (strategy game)
- Decision-making in situations of uncertainty
- Steering and strategic management of a company
- Performance evaluation.

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